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Mi Shebeirach, A Prayer for Healing

Mi Shebeirach literally means “The One Who Blessed.” In this prayer we ask that the one who blessed our ancestors bless those in need with complete physical and spiritual healing —refuah shleima.  We may pray for ourselves, a family member, a friend, a community, a country, a nation’s leader, or anyone else who suffers physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.

When a person receives the gift of complete healing, it’s natural to want to give thanks. Some people choose to offer service in some way. For example, spending time tending sick people and offering them food and prayers. Others give to charity to pay back the debt of having their prayers fulfilled. Perhaps you suffered an illness or injury, recovered completely and now donate toward research, such as chronic pain, cancer, or MS. Lastly, meals cooked in thanks and shared with others spread the blessings we receive when we heal completely from a disease or injury we once thought would take our lives.

The late Debbie Friedman, a legendary American Jewish composer, singer, and recording artist, is well known for setting the Mi Shebeirach to music, which popularized the song in synagogues across the United States. Friedman died from a neurological condition similar to MS when she was only 61, but left us with music, including the Mi Sheberach, from the heart.

Please scroll down to view the lyrics to the Mi Shebeirach, which you can print out and hang on your mirror, slip into your purse or pocket, or email to a friend. Sing this powerful prayer for yourself and for others. When we offer our blessings to others, we contribute to healing the world. Bless all those in need of healing with refuah shleima.

A Prayer: Mi Shebeirach
Mi sheberakh avoteinu mekor habrakha l’imoteinu
May the Source of strength
Who blessed the ones before us
Help us find the courage
To make our lives a blessing,
And let us say: Amen.
Mi Shebeirach imoteinu mekor habrakha l’avoteinu
Bless those in need of healing With refuah shleima:
The renewal of body,
The renewal of spirit,
And let us say: Amen

I wish you and all your loved ones all the best in your own healing journeys.

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