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Words of the Month

Synchronicity, Flow, Oneness

6 Steps For Identifying and Creating Synchronicity

What is Synchronicity?

Synchronicity — that magical moment when a meaningful coincidence happens that can’t be explained with a cause and effect connection. Instead, synchronicity has a spiritual, energetic explanation.[i] The mind stops in awe of the perfect moment, a blessed gift. We feel in sync with universal energy, in the flow of Spirit.magic

A great example of synchronicity happened to a client/friend of mine, who’s a busy business owner. During one of her sessions, we talked about how certain foods might create or affect a health condition. She hadn’t been interested in changing her diet because she had more pressing goals on her plate —so to speak—so I made a few suggestions about eliminating common allergens, then moved on to her other concerns.

A Story

Not long after this session, I posted one of David Perlmutter’s Grain Brain videos on Facebook.[ii] The video had good information for anyone wanting to detox, take off post-holiday weight, or use neuro-protective measures through diet. I didn’t expect many people to watch it through because it was an hour-long.

My client watched the entire video, made a mental note to get the book, looked online but didn’t buy it, then let it go. She wanted the book and the cookbook but decided getting it had to be easy. She wanted that meant-to-be feeling that comes when something feels easy.

A couple of days later she accompanied her husband to get new glasses.  She decided they should walk through the bookstore, but didn’t plan to actively look for the book. This small bookstore rarely had the books she wanted, and usually had to place a special order. That wouldn’t give her the easy, meant-to-be feeling she wanted.

As they walked into the bookstore, she saw Dr. Perlmutter’s book on display. She immediately felt that “Divine Intervention” had brought her the book in an easy, meant-to-be way. Feeling grateful and blessed, she bought the book.

What happens during these magical moments? How can it be explained? We get that woo-woo feeling that a benevolent, spiritual force takes care of us. Our worries fall away. Time and space merge into an all-at-once feeling that everything we need is, will be, and always has been provided at the exact moment we need it. Jung described this moment as the unification of physical and mental energy.[iii] Oneness. Synchronicity demonstrates that body, mind, and spirit are connected.meditation-rocks-sun

We all experience the magic of synchronicity. I’d like to live in those moments all the time. Do you? Is it possible? Yes. If we consciously pay attention to the sequence of events that culminate in synchronicity, we can expand synchronicity in our lives.

The 6 Steps

1. Begin with Intention, Imagination, and Expectation
My client intended to get the book, but only if it could be easy. She looked up the book on Amazon and imagined having it. She expected and trusted it to be easy.

2. Let Go, Listen To Your Intuition, and Go About Your Business
After shaping her intention she let go. A few days later, she went about her business— shopping for glasses with her husband. She diverted her husband to walk through the bookstore, not the usual way to the mall, but followed her intuitionThis may sound like an obvious intuition, but she didn’t plan to look for the book because this bookstore had never been an easy place for her to find books. She didn’t expect to find it there.

3. Pay Attention, then Seize the Moment
As they walked through the bookstore, she paid attention to the displays and saw the book. She seized the moment and bought it.

4. Enjoy the Perfect Moment
At the moment of synchronicity the magic of it all hits the mind like a tidal wave and life feels perfect. The meant-to-be feeling of Divine Intervention swept over her. She bought the book feeling certain this approach would be good for her. (By the way, after she began using this dietary approach she lost her desire for sweets and walks right by the snack table at her office.)

5. Bask in the Oneness
Synchronicity comes packed with the sudden recognition that we are One. Our Spirit is divinely connected to the benevolent, timeless, Universal Whole. Don’t let this moment pass by without tasting the sweetness. Bask in the light of Spirit the way you’d bask in the warm sunlight on a clear day.basking-in-the-sun

6. Let Gratitude Flow
Gratitude flows naturally after experiencing these profound moments of connection. Realizing that intention and expectation can draw what we need and want into our lives empowers us to grow more conscious of our thoughts and emotions. Reflecting on the experience of synchronicity with a grateful heart invites the mind to relax in the abundance of blessings and attract more of the same.

I’ve often wondered: “Who orchestrates these events? What sparks the intuitions that lead to the moment of synchronicity? I believe that being One, the “aspects” of our Oneness work in harmony to unify energetic thought and physical reality. These “aspects of our Oneness” come in the form of spirit guides, ancestral guides, angels, and our own spirit. The pure energy of Spirit sees all then conveys guidance to the “aspect” of us that listens inside our physical form. The physical world cooperates with our intention because of its energetic unity with spirit.

Check out your own experience of synchronicity against these steps and see how they work for you. Please share your results in the comments below. Thank you!



An uncanny, meaningful coincidence
lacking a detectable cause and effect connection.relaxed

[i] https://youtu.be/BX_nMwYa-nw

[ii] https://youtu.be/qgu7wiDRaLU

[iii] https://youtu.be/BX_nMwYa-nw

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